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Tool: LTG Bookmark

Recently I put together a simple printout that you can use as a bookmark in Life Transformation Groups (LTGs).  On this bookmark, I have put some questions and symbols that we have used to train others in discovery Bible study as well as some questions intended to foster authentic disciple-making friendships as well as a few prayer ideas for praying for friends found in Neil Cole’s LTG resources.  This tool will be best understood if you take a second to learn more about Life Transformation Groups and how they can be a helpful way of thinking about making disciples.  Check out… Read More »Tool: LTG Bookmark

Encouragements (5.7.15)

Just a few encouragements I want to pass along… –Brice Burton (originally from Somerset and now living Tacoma, Washington) joined our 1st Wednesday of the Month Google Hangout and shared of how he and his wife Becca have been really invested in a pub in their neighborhood. They now have a community of 20 or so “not-yet believers” that they meet with every Monday. They are starting to see many of those folks take interest in their home gathering and Life Transformation Groups. –I am excited for a young family in Elizabethown, Ky that is patiently and faithfully taking steps… Read More »Encouragements (5.7.15)

Our Year in Simple Church (part 3) – By Jeff Herron

This was really the first year we considered ourselves “doing” simple church, and it has been full of winnowing away, learning what really matters, and growing in love. We have been stretched in every way and are much better for it! As the year started, we were several months in to our decision to stop attending Sunday morning worship services at a local church. We felt called to be more directly involved in our local community, and had started attending this local church as part of that leading, but after only a few months we sensed the Lord had other… Read More »Our Year in Simple Church (part 3) – By Jeff Herron

What Are We Inviting People Into?

When you think about reaching out to others, what do you invite them into? I believe that what is needed in the body of Christ is believers who are willing to generously offer Jesus-centered friendships to others they meet.  Far too often, we encounter spiritually interested folks and we invite them to our “meeting,” our “church,” or encourage them to “get plugged in” to some ministry.  However, for many of us we simply do not know how to practically invite people into a relationship with Jesus.  Often this can be because we simply do not feel qualified or capable to… Read More »What Are We Inviting People Into?

LTG – Just Do It! (Guest Blog by Marian Toth)

Last month, I attended the Simple Church Conference lead by Neil Cole. I have read books and articles written by Neil but I really enjoyed the teaching on Life Transformation Groups (LTG). During this time, the Lord began to speak to me about seeking a person with whom to experience an LTG. I began to ask Him for wisdom about a person to ask. After praying for several days, God placed a woman on my heart.   Sherry is a lady that I have met before, but do not know well.  At first I did not know if I wanted… Read More »LTG – Just Do It! (Guest Blog by Marian Toth)

Discipleship Tool: Life Transformation Groups

How do I make a disciple?  Make no mistake, there is no formula or ten step process for making disciples.   However, when Jesus told the disciples to “go and make disciples of all the nations,” I have a strong feeling they knew how to do what he was talking about.  After all, they had been discipled by Jesus and observed first-hand “the way” Jesus turned them into one of His disciples!  I have posted briefly some of the discipleship principles we see Jesus live out, a full message on the subject, and the crazy “Turtleman Video” illustration here. But how can… Read More »Discipleship Tool: Life Transformation Groups