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Kate Phillips

“New Life” and “Family” Testimonies

The following is an excerpt from our friends in Jessamine Co, Kate and Kaleb, who lead a couple of simple churches there!  God continues to do amazing things through their availability to young men and women in need.  Read their entire newsletter here. // What’s Been Happening? New Life! The best thing I can share with you from the last couple of months is that a young girl named Kailee gave her life to Christ. Here’s the simple version of the story that I’m sure started a big party in heaven. Kailee started coming to our Wednesday simple church a few… Read More »“New Life” and “Family” Testimonies

Stories From The Harvest

By Kaleb and Kate Phillips God has been doing work, and the enemy has been on the attack. I wish I could describe and explain all of the ways that God has orchestrated events in our lives and ministry over the past several weeks and months, but honestly, I’m still pretty overwhelmed. We have been, and are still, facing a lot of darkness. Sometimes it feels like we’re completely in the dark. Sometimes it feels more like drowning. Literally, we have been facing such heavy spiritual attacks that we are experiencing physical symptoms. Last night in our house church our… Read More »Stories From The Harvest

“Church At The Place” Testimony

The following is a story from Kaleb and Kate’s most recent update. Their group started calling their simple church “Church At The Place.”  You can read the entire newsletter, hear about some amazing things God is up to, as well as know how to pray for and support their simple church’s outreach to local young adults and youth here.  You can also see videos of recent baptisms on Kaleb’s Facebook page here.  ————- JP is a young man who has come to our Wednesday night simple church several times over the past two years, but last month he showed up after being… Read More »“Church At The Place” Testimony