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house church

Francis Chan – Rethinking Church (Video)

I’d like to thank my friend Brian for sharing this short video of Francis Chan “rethinking church.”  Francis Chan left his mega church about the same time we started down the simple church road and . observing his journey from mega church to multiplying house or simple churches has been encouraging!  Due to his prominent voice in the American church, he is also helping others who share his convictions find courage to explore church outside the box. In this video, he gives is a great 10 minute explanation of simple church and what we are trying to encourage here!  In… Read More »Francis Chan – Rethinking Church (Video)

Evaluating Your Simple Church (Part 2)

In my last post, I discussed the importance of evaluating your simple church.  Today, I would like to suggest a guideline to help simple or house churches evaluate their communities.  Once again, the attitude and heart behind any evaluation is the most important part.  If not done with humility, love, and a desire to become all that Jesus desires for your community to be, attempts at evaluation can easily slide into a discouraging time where harsh judgment and legalistic remedies prevail.  Nonetheless, just as it would be important for a couple to communicate about ways they can improve their marriage… Read More »Evaluating Your Simple Church (Part 2)

Evaluating Your Simple Church (Part 1)

Evaluating Your Simple Church (Part 1) By Gavin Duerson How do we evaluate our simple church community?  We may shy away from examining ourselves because we can be afraid of what we will find.  However, when handled properly, taking time to assess your simple church can help your community grow into all that God desires for it to be. Jesus encouraged personal reflection and evaluation (Luke 10) as did the early disciples (1 Cor. 11).  Many of the letters we read in the New Testament include evaluations of the church’s activity.  Because God loves us and wants us to grow closer to Him, we should… Read More »Evaluating Your Simple Church (Part 1) – Francis Chan

Recently a new friend asked if I knew about what Francis Chan was doing in California.  My friend thought that our work here sounded similar to “We Are Church,” The ministry Francis Chan started a few years ago.  So I visited their website and this is how they describe their “structure.”  What do you think? Now it’s one thing to identify these four values, but it’s certainly another thing to be part of a body that actually exhibits these qualities. In truth, these biblical values aren’t new at all, and many contemporary churches claim to pursue these values, but both the Bible… Read More » – Francis Chan

“Church At The Home” by Susan & Jake Norris

I got involved with home church back in 1978 in Manchester, NH.  I’ve found that it’s been the greatest involvement with any group of people because of the focus on Jesus Christ. Living the word of God as a lifestyle and not a manmade religion, has made the difference in my ability to grow with God and get to know my Lord. When I walked in the room for the first time and heard the Bible being taught, I knew that this was what I had been looking for. I had come home. It was electric! I took some Bible classes… Read More »“Church At The Home” by Susan & Jake Norris

Simple Church Tithe?

Recently, a blog post by John Piper about tithing the local church caught my attention for two reasons. First, John Piper stated that he would never say “you must give your tithe to my church.” I affirm this in regard to simple church and I appreciate this statement from one of the nation’s leaders in the legacy church.  Indeed, Piper points out in this article that the Bible offers no justification for a mandated 10% tithe to a local congregation. Secondly, his comments about giving to the local church highlight one of the blessings, if not advantages, of giving in a simple church:… Read More »Simple Church Tithe?

2017 Thoughts

2017 Thoughts By Gavin Duerson As we begin this new year, I am as convinced as ever that the Lord will continue to grow the network of simple church-minded folks and even grow new networks all around us!  To be sure, it’s not about growth for the sake of growth, but about seeing more and more people connected to Jesus and His family!  Because I believe that Jesus and His Church is the only real hope of this world, I long for as many people as possible to find Him and the Spirit-filled life that He longs for us all… Read More »2017 Thoughts