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Why Simple Churches Do Not Work

Over the past year and a half, I have observed simple church “not working” for a variety of reasons.  Just this morning before I hit the “publish” button on this very post, I spoke with a gentleman on the phone who was wondering aloud about his family’s future in simple church.  It is certainly not uncommon to question if simple church is going to work out for you–especially when the Christian culture offers many other church options that seemingly offers a path of least resistance.  Perhaps this is where you are now?  As with any conflict, I always find it helpful to really plead with the Lord to show you what He desires to do in you through your confusion and discontent.  In addition, I always find it helpful to seek counsel from those who are a little further along in the journey.

Ross Rhode, author of the recent book, The Jesus Virus, is someone who advocated and lived out simple church for many years.  I recently stumbled upon this series he published on his blog and I wanted to share it with you.  Perhaps in considering these “reasons” for simple church not working you and/or your simple church can avoid throwing in the towel too soon and missing out on all that God has for you.

Reason 1: Giving Up Too Soon

Reason 2: Unrealistic Expectations

Reason 3: Aiming For The Wrong Things

Reason 4: Failure To Make Disciples

Reason 5: Failure to Abide

Reason 6: Being Too Much Of A Leader

Reason 7: Avoiding Apostolic Ministry

Reason 8: Relying On Techniques

What are some other reasons why simple churches do not work?

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